
Smart Start

Smart Start is a unique mental maths Academy offering to help children excel at mental math . We base our curriculum upon both traditional and multimedia teaching methods in order to stimulate both sides of the brain using visualisation of the abacus. Abacus maths is an easy, efficient and fast way for children to master mental math .

Based in Saudi Arabia  , we offer abacus mental maths tuition in small groups. This programme is suitable for children aged 5-13 years and all abilities are welcome. Our classes are designed to provide each child with individual support to maximise their potential. Each student will start in our foundation class to learn the basic principles of the abacus and will advance to the next level in accordance to their progress; this will be assessed regularly through quizzes and tests.

The optimum time to learn the abacus and mental arithmetic – as well as most other things – is from the tender age of 5. Children at this age have good control over their motor sensory skills and like to experiment and manipulate objects. Their ability to reason logically, curiosity and possession of a hungry appetite for acquiring new skills explains why they are able to absorb knowledge.

Our objectives

  • Providing all the required services and training courses in accordance with international standards.
  • Training children in intelligence programs to bring them to global levels that serve the vision of 2030
  • Integrating technology with education to help raise the level of training in professional, commercial, administrative and intellectual programs to reach highly experienced human cadres.
  • Strengthening the status of training and consolidating its concept in the field of community service.
  • Meet the needs of the labour market and secure all courses to meet the requirements of the current era.

Our Vision

  • To be the leading Center locally and internationally to keep up with the development in the world of children and children creatively and distinctly by providing the services and courses that children need in a fun way to build multiple experiences by integrating learning through play.
  • We aspire to bring you through our courses to levels of experience and work in line with a general vision of excellence in your business, increasing your competitiveness and helping you to get the most out of your intellectual potential in different fields through our training and advisory services.
  • Compliance with international standards of training to ensure quality and mastery.
  • Building the future generation of children and adults who are able to make a distinctive and creative impact in their fields.

What are the levels of mental arithmetic?


First Level

  • Identify the parts of the counter
  • Identify the parts of the counter
  • Carrying out long and simple calculations (collecting and subtracting) without rules with the three skills counter – fingers – imagination.

Level Two

  • Solving long exercises (collecting and subtracting) from two houses using the counter, imagination and fingers at amazing speed
  • Able to rules young friends in combining the three skills.
  • His focus and self-confidence are increased through the games and competitions within the program.

Level Three

  • Solving long exercises (collecting and subtracting) from two houses using the counter, imagination and fingers at amazing speed.
  • Able to rules young friends in subtracting the three skills.
  • His focus and self-confidence are increased through the games and competitions within the program.

Level four

  • Solving long exercises (collecting and subtracting) from two houses using the counter, imagination and fingers at amazing speed.
  • Able to rules big friends in combining the three skills.
  • His focus and self-confidence are increased through the games and competitions within the program.

Level Five

  • Solving long exercises (collecting and subtracting) from two houses using the counter, imagination and fingers at amazing speed.
  • Able to rules the big friends in subtracting the three skills.
  • His focus and self-confidence are increased through the games and competitions within the program .

Level Six

  • Solving long exercises (collecting and subtracting) from two houses using the counter, imagination and fingers at amazing speed.
  • Able to complete the rules of the program in addition and subtraction.
  • Solving exercises from two, three or more places on the counter and imagination.
  • His focus and self-confidence are increased through the games and competitions within the program.