

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights:

The Smart Start Training Center undertakes:

  • Respect intellectual property rights when preparing and making training content, and training programs.
  • Respect intellectual property rights when uploading all digital courses and articles, and any digital content on its electronic systems, whether posted on the website or in the center’s social media accounts.
  • The Center is committed to intellectual property rights when developing training programs and scientific content, uploading it to the e-learning system, and turning it into electronic courses in partnership with trainers.

With regard to copyright:

  • To preserve copyright, the Center has the right to publish visual content on its own electronic systems while clarifying the source of these training materials.
  • The Center is also committed to save electronic content from recordings of training programs in its approved storage sources, and uploading electronic content to e-learning systems.
  • It also undertakes not to violate the content provided for copyright and does not breach on the rights of a party or entity.
  • The contracted trainer is also committed to respecting intellectual property and copyright rights, the coach’s pledge facility.
  • Any trainee is prohibited from publishing or filming any content for the trainer without the trainer’s permission.
  • The site management has the right to review the trainees’ publications, and if content contrary to the center’s laws is published, the center’s management has the right to act by modification or removal.

Examples of illegal content include:

  • Publishing content that violates general Islamic morals.
  • Publish political content.
  • Publish content that violates the intellectual property or copyrights of an individual or establishment.
  • Defamation or abuse of any particular individual or entity

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